Quantity leads to quality
August 2, 2021I’ve been making YouTube videos, about one a week, for almost a year. One thing that has helped me keep making them, even when I didn’t think they were very good, was that quantity and quality are related.
Doing something a whole bunch of times, with some thought put into how to improve the quality, will lead to quality. In order to get good at something you have to do it a lot. You won’t be good at everything that you do right away. And you won’t be good at everything after only a few tries.
It takes time and practice to get good at something.
It takes quantity to get to quality.
For creating videos or creating music it’s the same thing. If you write a ton of music you’ll get better at making music. If you create a ton of videos you’ll get better at creating videos. Each new song and each new video is the practice of getting better at making them. The more you make, the more you practice. The more practice you get the better you’ll get with making those things.
My goal with YouTube is to have 100 videos on my channel.
Currently I’m at 85 videos I think. I have 15 to go and I’ll have met my goal.
After reaching that goal, the next goal is to make 200 videos. Hopefully they’ll be easier and faster and higher quality. I can already tell that my current videos are easier to edit and easier to script and film and create than my first few. I know how to get the results I want much more easily and much faster. That’s after only creating 30 or so. After creating a full 100 videos, I can only imagine how much better they’ll be.
You’ll always look back and think, “Wow I could’ve done this better. I should’ve changed this.”
But so what?
That’s the whole process of getting better at something.